What happens to your tattoo over 10 or 20 years?


Vintage Pic of Rangoon Ricky with "Ralph" circa 1978.
Vintage Pic of Rangoon Ricky with “Ralph” circa 1978.
Rangoon Ricky and "Ralph" circa 2012.
Rangoon Ricky and “Ralph” circa 2012.

What happens to your tattoo over 10 or 20 years?
Much of the fate of your tattoo depends upon the skill of the artist, the quality of the inks used, the aftercare used and the care of the skin afterwards.  Sure, the color may fade a little depending on if you are in the sun a lot, but excessive sun will take its toll. Consider your genetics.  How your family’s skin ages in the area where you would like to be tattooed could be a major factor; If their skin is still considerably tight, or hasn’t lost that much of its elasticity, you should be fairly certain that a good majority of your tattoo will be intact.
Very fine lines and details of your tattoo will definitely fade over time, but if you have taken great consideration the factors I named it definitely wouldn’t  wind up being a blob.
I really can’t stress enough the importance of an experienced tattoo artist. Even it your tattoo is or has faded, a really good tattoo artist always has an amazing remedy.

Awesome Tattoo Cover ups/Touch ups at Only Skin Deep

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Sure, no one likes to admit they made a mistake. But many of us have made them and unfortunately mistakes make in ink are permanent. You may have thought a long time about “the one” or you may have thought you’d really love that cartoon character forever. I know you have been looking at the aftermath of those tattoo choices for too long and you’re thinking it’s time to do something about it.  At Only Skin Deep in Vallejo, California, I have extensive experience in not only custom tattooing, but quality tattoo cover ups or touch ups you’ll need.
I am Blood Borne Pathogen Certified! You can come see the Autoclave on “Only Skin Deep” premises and  I only use fresh single use only needles. I use the best quality inks and supplies. Only the best uses the best! See you soon!