How is a tattoo removed?

Have you considered tattoo removal?
Have you considered tattoo removal?

Removing a tattoo takes time. In much of the tattoo removal process is also dependent on the color, the quality of the ink, depth of penetration, and even a person’s metabolism. You’ll get zapped with one or more lasers depending on the number of colors and the laser breaks the ink down. It’s then that it’s sitting in your cells as waste. Basically, and your body metabolizes the excess ink and removes it like any other waste. Your tattoo begins to fades in between sessions and it’s not uncommon to go more than once.  For some people its taboo, but for others who want a name or even a gang tattoo gone; it’s awesome! I have other clients that might even use the tattoo removal process to fade a tattoo before getting it covered up.

How about you? Do you need that tattoo removed?