What to consider when getting a full back tattoo

Your back is great real estate for a full back tattoo!

Full back tattoos are a definite conversation piece!  A tattoo of this size  is considered prime real estate in the tattoo world so careful consideration must be made before getting a tattoo of this magnitude.

International tattoo artist, Rangoon Ricky has extensive experience in these areas with a project this large. You will be spending a lot of time with him in the studio and he is known for having a good working attitude and a clean tattoo studio where everyone is welcome.

You’ll get the process started by discussing any ideas you already have for full back piece and getting his input. It’s not uncommon for this step alone taking a bit of time because it doesn’t stop with the first discussion but continues throughout the tattoo design process.

Rangoon Ricky’s work is always clean,  and sterile and always practices safe and sterile procedures.

The Cherry Blossoms Tattoo by Rangoon Ricky

The Cherry Blossom has different meanings in different cultures. Here are just a few reason why the cherry blossom is so popular as a tattoo.

The Cherry Blossom is a Symbol of Hope

The cherry blossom season overlaps with the fiscal and calendar years in Japan, marking the arrival of new beginnings (i.e., a child’s first day of school or a new employee’s first day at his new job). The exuberance and intensity of the cherry blossom, therefore, bestows the license to hope and dream of greater things to come and to look ahead with enthusiasm and optimism.

The Cherry Blossom is a Symbol of Power

China upholds the cherry blossom as representing feminine beauty and dominance. It is regarded as a symbol of a woman’s attractive looks and her ability to command men by means of her beauty and sexuality. The flower also symbolizes love, which is known as maintaining a feminized emotion.

The Cherry Blossom is a Symbol of Humanity

The blooming season of cherry blossoms are brief, resulting in instant beauty and immediate death of the flower. They, therefore, serve (within the Japanese culture) as reminders of humanity and mortality since, like cherry blossoms, a human being’s life can end at any given moment. The human condition is epitomized through the cherry blossom, alerting people that life is too short to waste away and that people should live life to the fullest.

Whatever the meaning holds for you, Rangoon Ricky is here to make it happen for you! Visit Only Skin Deep in Vallejo, California!

Amazing Peacock Tattoos from Only Skin Deep in Vallejo

The peacock is a possessor of some of the most admired  characteristics and in many cultures, it is a symbol of integrity and the beauty we can achieve when we endeavor to show our true colors.

In history, myth, legend and lore, the Peacock symbolism carries portents of: Nobility, Holiness, Guidance, Protection and Watchfulness. It is no wonder the peacock is a favorite for most tattoo fans and fanatics. Come visit Only Skin Deep in Vallejo, CA and get your Peacock tattoo today.